stable/12->stable/13 can't find boot filesystem

Russell L. Carter rcarter at
Tue Jan 26 20:24:38 UTC 2021

Hi there,
I'm just started upgrading my stable/12 gang to
stable/13 by building from git stable/13 branch.

  So when I boot bruno into 13/stable using the default
   kernel, it hangs on mounting the filesystems after the
   first pass probing phase.  I booted 12/stable kernel
   using kernel.old and that works, mostly.

   The boot hangs after keyboard initialization and displays:

   Loader variable:
   mountroot> ?
   gpt/zfs0 gpt/gptboot0 gpt/ssd1 ada1p3 ada1p2
   ada1p1 ada0p1 ada1 ada0 cd0

   If I try zfs:/dev/ada1p1 per the printed
   example, it complains that it failed with
   error 2: unknown filesystem.

   Any advice would be great.



   ssd1   74.5G  14.7G  59.8G        -         -    77%    19%  1.00x 
   zroot   632G  62.1G   570G        -         -    21%     9%  1.00x 

   root at bruno:~ # geom disk list
   Geom name: cd0
1. Name: cd0
    Mediasize: 0 (0B)
    Sectorsize: 2048
    Mode: r0w0e0
    descr: ASUS BC-12B1ST   a
    ident: (null)
    rotationrate: unknown
    fwsectors: 0
    fwheads: 0

Geom name: ada0
1. Name: ada0
    Mediasize: 80026361856 (75G)
    Sectorsize: 512
    Stripesize: 4096
    Stripeoffset: 0
    Mode: r1w1e3
    descr: INTEL SSDSA2M080G2GC
    lunid: 50015179591c362b
    ident: CVPO005402G4080BGN
    rotationrate: 0
    fwsectors: 63
    fwheads: 16

Geom name: ada1
1. Name: ada1
    Mediasize: 750156374016 (699G)
    Sectorsize: 512
    Mode: r2w2e4
    descr: WDC WD7500AACS-00C7B0
    lunid: 50014ee2570816ce
    ident: WD-WCASM0067588
    rotationrate: 5400
    fwsectors: 63
    fwheads: 16

root at bruno:~ # gpart show
=>       34  156301421  ada0  GPT  (75G)
          34          6        - free -  (3.0K)
          40  156301408     1  freebsd-zfs  (75G)
   156301448          7        - free -  (3.5K)

=>        40  1465149088  ada1  GPT  (699G)
           40        1024     1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
         1064         984        - free -  (492K)
         2048   134217728     2  freebsd-swap  (64G)
    134219776  1330927616     3  freebsd-zfs  (635G)
   1465147392        1736        - free -  (868K)

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