drm-kmod kills FreeBSD

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Thu Jan 21 19:31:28 UTC 2021

Kurt Hackenberg <kh at panix.com> :

>   Robert Huff wrote:
>   > 	To do what they do, drm-kmods and gpu-firmware-kmod burrow
>   > _deep_ into the kernel; everything needs to be _perfectly_ in
>   > sync or ... <hairball!>
>   They are part of the kernel, literally kernel
>   modules. Distributing them as ports/packages was expedient, a
>   quick hack. I think they should somehow be distributed as part of
>   the kernel.

	I would be OK with that _if_ there was single drm module; or, at
the least, _much_ greater clarity about which module goes with a
particular chipset.
	(On my to-do list is upgrading one system from a Radeon HD 3300
to something (AMD) that uses GCN.  After weeks of research I
think\\\\\hope I've found the right answer ....)


				Robert Huff

Hello ... my name is SARS-CoV-2.
You are not wearing a mask?
Prepare to die!

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