iSCSI initiator to target with multiple IPs

Ekkehard Gehm freebsd at
Sat Jan 16 10:01:34 UTC 2021

Ahoy Scott,

Am 16.01.2021 um 07:21 schrieb Scott:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 12:30:52PM +0100, Ekkehard Gehm wrote:
>> Ahoy!
>> I hope someone can give me a hint on an issue I have with iSCSI.
>> I have a FreeBSD Server (the iSCSI initiator) which connects to a Dell
>> Equilogic RAID (the iSCSI target). So far no big deal. But... The Target
>> has one IP to connect to but in reality it has 8 interfaces with
>> different IPs for traffic shaping.
>> So. The initial connect to the pool-ip will result in a connection to
>> one of those 8 ips. Every now and then, the RAID (target) shifts the
>> interfaces. That will result in a message that the the target has moved
>> to another ip... And that is where shit happens - My FreeBSD initiator
>> drops the target completely (With a warning " target requests logout;
>> removing session")... Bad thing :-)
>> I don't know where to look. Is it multipath? MPIO?
>> Any hint is highly appreciated :-)
>> Cheers!
>> Ekki
> Hi,
> more from a networking perspective than an iSCSI one: when you say that the 
> initial connection to the pool-ip results in a connection to an interface 
> address - is this an iSCSI redirection or is there a proxy of sorts (that 
> would obscure the real target address)?
> Put another way, if configured to connect to IP, after the connection 
> would netstat show the initiator connected to or another address?
> Scott
> _______________________________________________

Fair question. The "icscictl -L" and also netstat lists one of the pool
addresses not the initial and configured address.

So my client with, lets say, address has the address e.g. in his iscsi.conf but will than connect to one of the pool IPs - on port 3260

It works just fine with the VMware vSphere hosts... :/


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