iSCSI initiator to target with multiple IPs

Ekkehard Gehm freebsd at
Fri Jan 15 11:31:06 UTC 2021


I hope someone can give me a hint on an issue I have with iSCSI.

I have a FreeBSD Server (the iSCSI initiator) which connects to a Dell
Equilogic RAID (the iSCSI target). So far no big deal. But... The Target
has one IP to connect to but in reality it has 8 interfaces with
different IPs for traffic shaping.

So. The initial connect to the pool-ip will result in a connection to
one of those 8 ips. Every now and then, the RAID (target) shifts the
interfaces. That will result in a message that the the target has moved
to another ip... And that is where shit happens - My FreeBSD initiator
drops the target completely (With a warning " target requests logout;
removing session")... Bad thing :-)

I don't know where to look. Is it multipath? MPIO?

Any hint is highly appreciated :-)



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