FreeBSD ports: looking ahead: Portsnap, after Git becomes primary
John Levine
johnl at
Mon Jan 11 14:12:12 UTC 2021
In article <5777f16a-60e1-0982-4d4c-58e2bc2db1fa at> you write:
>On 11/01/2021 01:53, Thomas Mueller wrote:
>> … I expect to switch to git with ports tree as well around the end of March when the ports tree is expected to switch from svn to git.
>> I suspect portsnap will no longer be workable. …
>I imagine that after Git becomes primary, Portsnap will remain usable
>for a respectable period.
I sure hope so because I do not want to store the entire development
history of the ports tree on each of my FreeBSD VPS.
They don't do the same thing at all.
John Levine, johnl at, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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