github ports

Mike Clarke jmc-freebsd2 at
Mon Jan 11 10:28:48 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 10 January 2021 18:49:43 GMT Vasily Postnicov wrote:
> There is no "git update" command
> At first delete the old port tree, then from /usr do
>  "git clone git:// ports". From /usr/ports
> run "make index" or "make fetchindex".
> To update the tree do "git pull" from /usr/ports and then again "make
> fetchindex"

I usually build a small number of packages from ports because I need 
different options. It doesn't seem justifiable to install and run poudriere 
to handle such a small number of ports. What I do is to use pkg upgrade to 
update the rest of my packages and then sync my ports tree with the revision 
which was used to build the current packages. This avoids the risk of 
incompatibilities when mixing ports and packages.

This process would be much easier if there was some mechanism built into the 
pkg system to easily determine the revision number of ports corresponding to 
the last run of pkg upgrade. In the absence of such a feature I find the svn 
revision by checking the latest revision on the build server's webpage. For 
my version of FreeBSD (12.2 on AMD64), this is currently http:// but I've occasionally had problems in the past when 
things have moved to a different server.

Is there any chance that when we move over to using git for ports there could 
be a convenient way of identifying the git revision number of the commit 
corresponding to the time when pkg upgrade was last run.?

Mike Clarke

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