How to get to base.txz in the install image file

matthew at matthew at
Thu Oct 22 15:56:30 UTC 2020

On 22/10/2020 16:22, Ernie Luzar wrote:
> I want to target the base.txz file in the release.img install file.
> After downloading the release.img file how do I open it and point to the 
> base.txz file? Is there a way?

You can just download base.txz direct from the FreeBSD FTP servers. eg:

That's the same as goes into the release images.  Make the obvious 
substitutions for different CPU architectures or release versions.

To answer your actual question: try tar(1). It can read a lot of 
disk-image formats.  Not sure about the .img file, but it can certainly 
read .iso images.



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