sh scripting question

Jerry jerry at
Fri Oct 16 20:21:09 UTC 2020

On Fri, 16 Oct 2020 19:07:41 +0100, Jon Schneider commented:
>There’s a YouTube publisher called enderman who shows how how
>inconsistently these special CP/M and DOS file names are handled in
>Windows. He does things like create install Windows itself into con. I
>have found you can total OneNote for Windows users by creating a
>notebook called for example “con”.
>Having watched these I am convinced Microsoft should have simply
>allowed them in Windows. Currently there is a horrible mess.
>As for the original problem the only (and safe and portable way among
>all OSs that use C language interfaces) is to assume that the null
>character is the only safe separator in file lists. Because of the
>underlying C language interfaces.

I had no problem creating a notebook named "con". I cannot seem to
delete it though. I will have to look into that.


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