Microsoft Teams for Linux

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at
Sat May 9 05:32:29 UTC 2020

On Fri, 8 May 2020 18:53:27 -0400
Jerry <jerry at> wrote:

> Both "Zoom" and "MS Teams" are working fine in my Win10 machine. I have
> never tried to get them to work on FreeBSD, and I have no idea why I
> would want to. I don't have a linux machine handy, although that is on
> my "to-do" list. Perhaps by the end of this summer.

	One good reason for wanting them working on Linux or FreeBSD is not
owning a Windows machine. I don't, so if I wished to use either of those
tools it seems I would need to buy one or try and get it to work on
something else.

	Standards compliance is usually a good way to make applications that
work well on all platforms but it does seem that some vendors prefer to
break that in order to work around deficiencies in their major market

	This is of course a valid (if irritating) commercial decision
with strong short term benefits (the application works great on the major
platforms). The downside being that there is no pressure to adhere to
standards so it won't work well on anything else and neither can anyone get
anything else to work as well on the major platforms. This is of course not
a downside for the application vendor - one reason why OS vendors should not
be allowed to sell applications IMHO, but that boat sailed decades ago.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve at>

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