Microsoft Teams for Linux

Maciej Suszko maciej at
Fri May 8 08:13:29 UTC 2020

On 5/8/20 12:28 AM, Maciej Suszko wrote:
> On 5/7/20 10:01 AM, Henrik Lidström wrote:

[ c u t ]

>> Hello!
>> I still have "half" working Teams in Firefox (76.0,1) with this UA:
>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
>> Chrome/79.0.3945.79 Safari/537.36" using the plugin "user-agent switcher".
>> As you say, I only get audio and no video (neither my collegues can see
>> me, or I can see them). If I enable camera my audio stops working.
>> However, when $company has had these big presentations using teams,
>> video works for some reason (but then I'm not allowed audio, so I guess
>> its in the way the meeting is set up).
> Thanks Henrik,
> I'll test this UA in a few hours - I used "Teams Phone Fix" addon to
> Firefox, but it suddenly stopped working. Microsoft deploys its apps
> partially - I can have some version, the person sitting next to me - the
> other... and of course - they can work differently :)
> Got the "User Agent Switcher" as well, beacuse O365 webmail looks like
> the old Squirrelmail using the original Firefox UA (I suspect they have
> some expressions looking for Mac, Linux and Windows - FreeBSD is out of
> the league).

Changing UA in Firefox does not work - video and audio does not work at
all - I can't see/hear anything, nobody can see/hear me.

> The easiest way to confirm web rendering depends on UA is to observe
> Cam, Mic and "Download App" icons - one time they are grey, the other
> both are active or one only :)
> On Windows there is an option to make a Test Call within the Settings
> menu - I haven't seen that on "spoofed" browser yet.

Just tested latest chromium and I'm positively suprised - camera
working, audio working, even desktop sharing does work... probably
something has changed in the web application in Microsoft :) the
question is for how long.

regards, Maciej Suszko.

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