Centralized user/group/whatever management

Doug McIntyre merlyn at geeks.org
Fri Mar 13 14:31:33 UTC 2020

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 04:19:23PM +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Do you think there exists a modern solution for centralized user/group/...
> management compatible with FreeBSD and Linux?

I think the best combination is probably a Windows AD setup, with
FreeBSD/Linux clients attaching to it. (Although I still do external DNS
importing the AD objects into it, really can't stand windows DNS). 

This does work really seamless, the GUI tools are well utilized.

It really gets you the hard part (LDAP, Kerberos) in a pretty easy to
use package. I don't know how many hours I've spent on OpenLDAP
getting it to work with things, and management packages for OpenLDAP
are pretty sucky overall.

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