Update 11.3 > 11.4

Jerry jerry at seibercom.net
Thu Jun 18 22:45:05 UTC 2020

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 08:19:12 +1000, Dewayne Geraghty commented:
>Aryeh's suggestion of determining the cause of the problem would be
>beneficial as the PR
>appears to be caught in a non-reproducability trap. Eg "I have an X on
>version Y and no bug" will not allay anyone's concerns.
>Also reply 103 asserts that this problem doesn't exist on 11 (ie prior
>to 11.4). Perhaps pulling the iso's for 11.4 and using on a machine
>that reproduces the bug with 12.1 might be a more efficient path?

It doesn't exist on 11.x at ll. If you read through the comments,
etcetera, it was mentioned that it is most likely a regression problem.
Regression bugs have a nasty habit of spreading.

>Hans is clearly doing his best to address the issue but needs helpful
>information from our active community.

This bug has existed since at least 2019-04-30 04:22:45 EDT when it was
first reported.

>Regards, Dewayne

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