Update 11.3 > 11.4

Jerry jerry at seibercom.net
Thu Jun 18 12:37:11 UTC 2020

On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 13:47:32 +0200, Polytropon commented:
>On Thu, 18 Jun 2020 07:14:56 -0400, Jerry wrote:
>> BTW, you use the term, "shiny", I prefer more advanced or mature, but
>> that is not the important point here.  
>The point is that the use of those terms is intended, and
>it illustrates a specific difference: "shiny new" often
>refers to products that _claim_ to be advanced or mature,
>or better or technically superior, while _not_ possessing
>that property; using actual words like "advanced", "mature",
>"secure", and the like _assures_ that those properies are
>present in a product.
>Reasoning: Just because a manufacturer claims his product
>is better, or because his product is newer, or because the
>product comes in a shiny package does _not_ prove, by any
>means, that the product actually _is_ better.
>Terminology, my dear Watson. ;-)

To begin with, I never use the term "shiny new." I consider that a
child's terminology. You state the obvious, however. Any reasonable,
intelligent buyer will give the technical specifications sheet or
other documents as they pertain to the potential item to be purchased,
at the very least, a quick perusal. Anytime I am spending more than a
couple of dollars on an item, I give it at least a quick, it not more
thorough inspection.

Advertising, as it is, requires a certain amount of finesse. No
advertiser ever created an ad for a new car and stated that it was
"almost" as good as the last model. It has been my experience dealing
with reputable vendors that their newer products tend to be more
advanced or improved over prior models, if even only marginally. Again,
"Caveat emptor." Many corporations spend thousands on "usability
studies" to determine what their potential market is looking for and how
to best, and obviously, most cost-effectively provide that service or
product. I have personally been involved in a few usability studies
pertaining to software used in and by Municipalities.

If any corporation wants to stay relevant in today's market, they have
to invest in product improvement and securing the public trust in
their product and it's quality.

I am smart enough to know that there exists a robust socialistic
element on this list that believes "profit" is a dirty word and is
under the assumption that they are 'owed' simply because they exist. I
have NEVER felt that way. I do not work sans monetary reward, and I
would never expect anyone else to either. I am proud to be a Capitalist.

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