FreeBSD 12.1 i386 CD #1 image size not compatible with intended medium standard size

Jerry jerry at
Tue Jun 16 12:22:56 UTC 2020

On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:37:53 +0200, Polytropon commented:
>On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 07:30:00 -0400, Jerry wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 12:27:28 +0200, Polytropon commented:  
>> >Due to a system where I can only boot from CD, I downloaded the
>> >FreeBSD 12.1 CD image (disc1.iso). It was not possible to record
>> >this in a standard way to a 700 MB (not 650 MB) blank CD medium
>> >(here: Platinum 700 MB / 80 min).  
>> Are you referring to:
>> 1) FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
>> or
>> 2) FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso  
>As mentioned at the end of the message (discussing image file size),
>the file I used was FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso, because the
>system it is intended for is not 64 bit capable, so i386 is what I
>will have to use.
>I think the problem here is that 728 MB exceeds the standard that
>says 650 MB and allows 700 MB and, by use of nonstandard tools,
>does not guarantee for anything if you successfully burn 728 MB.
>"Is possible" doesn't imply "will work as expected". :-)

I can confirm the problem. I tried writing the disk on a Win 10
machine, and it threw an error that the source would not fit on one
l disk.

Now, Poly, the price of a DVD drive is minimal. Why not just swap out
your antic CD-ROM drive and install a DVD. You don't have to go the
Blue-ray route, unless you want to.

If, for some reason you cannot fit it into the case, just get an
external model. Problem solved.

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