freebsd vs. netbsd

Jerry jerry at
Thu Jun 11 17:30:06 UTC 2020

On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 14:50:46 +0200, Polytropon commented:

[[Extraneous contend truncated]]

>> Claws-Mail allows a user to create custom folders with predefined
>> "To:". "CC:" and "Reply-To:" fields, among others. That totally
>> eliminates all the guess work, assuming the end-user bothered to
>> properly configure it.  
>Nobody configures MUAs these days. In a web-driven world,
>users tend to keep using the defaults of the provider.
>The same applies to application MUAs where the defaults
>aren't checked and adjusted to match real use cases.

Well then, Poly, I must be Mr. Nobody, because I always at least look
at, and usually actually do modify default configurations to suit my
particular work habits.

To bring this whole conversation to a quick end, whenever I send a
document to someone that absolutely, positively has to look exactly how
I created it, I use PDF. It eliminates all the problems that you and
others have been describing. Email, at least in my estimation, was never
intended to be used a a means of conveying high level, complex
mathematical formulas, etcetera.

Bart   |^^^^^^^^|
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