Technological advantages over Linux

Norman Gray Norman.Gray at
Sun Feb 16 13:14:00 UTC 2020

Jerry and all, hello.

On 16 Feb 2020, at 12:38, Jerry wrote:

> The largest document I have tried using with a current version of MS
> Word is only approximately 400 pages. Many times I will write
> documents via LaTeX and create a PDF file. Unfortunately, because so
> much of my work has to be shared among several users, and LaTeX does
> not offer a suitable way of having a multitude of users edit a 
> document
> for review, with each edit being kept isolated from the final
> document, I usually have to write the document with MS Word. I guess 
> it
> all depends on your audience.

It's a tangent to this tangent, but depending on that audience it might 
be worth at least a glance at <>, which is a 
collaborative hosted LaTeX environment.  Overleaf handles the 
collaboration and change-tracking part, and  means that collaborators 
don't have to have LaTeX installed locally.  They have to have some 
awareness of LaTeX syntax; but if they're contributing text rather than 
structure that may not be a huge problem.

I've only used Overleaf very lightly myself, but I have colleagues in 
highly collaborative environments who swear by it, using both the free 
and paid-for plans (both personal and site-licence accounts, in the 
latter case).

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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