Removal script

Karl Denninger karl at
Sat Feb 15 13:36:14 UTC 2020

On 2/15/2020 07:31, Jos Chrispijn wrote:
> I am looking for a way to remove a nested subdirectory in a directory.
> Example:
> directory /mysources has a certain number of subdirectories which
> contain subdirectory 'nonsense' in various subdirectories, which
> contain also subdirectory 'nonsense', etc.
> What I would like to do is that the script removes all 'nonsense'
> folders in the base /mysources.
> Can you pls tell me how I can do that savest? Thanks!
> /jos

Well, there's no completely "safe" way that might not nuke something you
don't intend, but....

find . -type d -name 'nonsense' -exec rm -rf {} \;

Starts in the current directory, walks the tree, anything that is a
directory and has the name "nonsense" is "rm -rf'd".

Just don't be wrong about any of those directories being or having in
them something you don't want nuked.  "rm -rf" does exactly what you
tell it to and it's entirely possible to really hose yourself with it
(e.g. "rm -rf /" will do exactly what you think it might.)

Karl Denninger
karl at <mailto:karl at>
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