Reset xorg using lumina desktop

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Sat Aug 22 21:27:09 UTC 2020

Dear kind FreeBSD users,

I am running FreeBSD using lumina.  I was using two screens, one with HDMI
and one with VGA at school.  Since learning is now online, I am using only
HDMI now, but my screen only remembers new setting.  I have tried checking
/etc/X11/xorg.conf but it is not present.  I try screen configuration, but
cannot reset it to only Monitor with HDMI output.

How can I reset it so I can just have fresh desktop with all icons on the

If you need output from xrandr, I can send it in on Monday. When teaching
online and using Google classroom, the microphone was muted, I started
using telefono to use and connect with it.  My sister got for me a
Bluetooth device, but that will be a challenge to get working.

I appreciate help/advice and suggestions to fix the screen.

Best Regards,


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