current best FreeBSD hosting services

Ihor Antonov ihor at
Sun Apr 5 03:21:49 UTC 2020

On Friday, April 3, 2020 7:43:30 AM PDT George Hartzell wrote:
> Ihor Antonov writes:
>  > [...]
>  > I run a small mail server instance with a monthly total of slightly below
>  > $20. This includes t3.micro reserved instance + 100 GB EBS volume,
>  > reserved cache.t3.micro redis for rspamd, and backups on S3 in glacier.
> Did you have any trouble getting AWS to remove the constraints on the
> SMTP ports?

You need to allocate yourself an Elastic IP address and you need to have a 
domain name too. 

Then you go here: 

And request removing limitations for that IP. You will need to specify your 
the A record of your mail server and they will create a reverse PTR for you.

That is all I had to do.

Ihor Antonov

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