pkg lock

@lbutlr kremels at
Mon Sep 9 16:09:52 UTC 2019

On 9 Sep 2019, at 09:56, Steve O'Hara-Smith <steve at> wrote:
> It is perhaps worth mentioning the benefits of make missing to get a list of dependencies before compiling a port so that you can minimise what gets compiled by installing the dependencies first (make missing | xargs pkg install -A) or thereabouts.

Thanks for this, I had no idea this existed. Will read some man pages.

> I rely on 'that which is locked came from ports’.

Yes, going forward that will work fine, but starting off… not so much.

Personal isn't the same as important. What sort of person could think
like that? And it dawned on him that while Ankh in the past had had its
share of evil rulers, and simply bad rulers, it had never yet come under
the heel of a good ruler. That might be the most terrifying prospect of
all. --Men at Arms

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