12.1 on Thinkpad - problem making graphics work

Tomasz CEDRO tomek at cedro.info
Sun Nov 10 12:23:10 UTC 2019

Around 2.4.10 Linux kernel started API changes on each release. That was
cherry on the top of the issues and the last reason for me to stop using
Linux and avoid that maintenance nightmare.

I noticed that back then when Linux graphics stopped working because video
driver api has changed. They moved along. And that silly "bleeding-edge"
concept became standard worldwide. Now we got into this with FreeBSD :-(

I hope noone will agree and accept this situation here! Stability,
maturity, high quality and self-compatibility are the reasons I am using
the FreeBSD because I value it more than "modern untested features".

Well planned and designed code can provide new features without breaking
the API/ABI.

I am sure this is what really differentiated FreeBSD from the rest of the
world. Stability and Maintenance are the core requirements in the
Production Systems.

I hope FreeBSD will stay that way and remain its high quality standards.
Breaking kernel API/ABI with each release is definitely NOT the way to go.

Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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