Question about mount_fusefs

Igor V. Ruzanov igorr at
Tue May 21 15:29:12 UTC 2019

On Tue, 21 May 2019, Igor Konev wrote:

|В Tue, 21 May 2019 15:32:29 +0300 (MSK)
|"Igor V. Ruzanov" <igorr at> пишет:
|> On Tue, 21 May 2019, Igor Konev via freebsd-questions wrote:
|> |Hi, I use fusefs to mount ntfs fs. 
|> |And I have a question about the command line options for
|> mount_fusefs. |
|> |What does key -s mean? What is he doing? I tried to use it but
|> without |success.
|> |
|> From MOUNT_FUSEFS(8) :
|> Finally, if special is an integer it will be interpreted as the
|> number of the file descriptor of an already open fuse device (used
|> when the Fuse
|>      library invokes mount_fusefs.  (See DAEMON MOUNTS).
|> I guess the key is ised in conjunction of another software doing any
|> jobs over opened fuse device files.
|> |From MOUNT_FUSEFS(8) :
|> |
|> |
|> |     mount_fusefs [-A] [-S] [-v] [-D fuse_daemon] [-O daemon_opts]
|> |                  [-s special] [-m node] [-h] [-V] [-o option ...]
|> |                  special node [fuse_daemon ...]
|> |
|> |
|> |     -s, --special special
|> |             Use special as special
|> |
|> |So for my case, I can run the mount_fusefs command in two ways:
|> |- mount_fusefs special node [fuse_daemon ...]
|> |- mount_fusefs -s special node [fuse_daemon]
|> |
|> |1)
|> |
|> |$ mount_fusefs /dev/fuse ~/mnt0 ntfs-3g /dev/da0s1 ~/mnt0
|> |$ echo $?
|> |0
|> |
|> |$ mount
|> |/dev/ada0p4 on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
|> |devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
|> |...
|> |/dev/fuse on /usr/home/user1/mnt0 (fusefs, local, nosuid,
|> synchronous, |mounted by user1)
|> |
|> |2)
|> |
|> |$ mount_fusefs -s /dev/fuse ~/mnt0 ntfs-3g /dev/da0s1 ~/mnt0
|> |mount_fusefs: special specified inconsistently
|> |$ echo $?
|> |1
|> |
|> |Ivan Konev
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|Igor, thank you for your reply. 
|I also tried to use the file descriptor number as an argument for the
|$ ls -ali /dev/fuse
|57 crw-rw-rw-  1 root  operator  0x39 21 мая   11:40 /dev/fuse
|$ mount_fusefs -s 57 ~/mnt0 ntfs-3g /dev/da0s1 ~/mnt0
|mount_fusefs: special specified inconsistently
57 here is not file descriptor number. Its i-node number (see man ls). FD 
(file descriptor) might be some number that we got as result of success 
call of some function, for ex. when we tried to open some fuse device for 
mounting purposes. And provide this FD to: mount_fusefs -s <FD> 

|$ echo $?
|My question is why "mount_fusefs /dev/fuse ..." works and "mount_fusefs
|-s /dev/fuse ..." and "mount_fusefs -s 57" do not work.
|Ivan Konev

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