VirtualBox Extensions Pack (for USB and Video)

Jung-uk Kim jkim at
Thu May 2 18:25:03 UTC 2019

On 19. 5. 2., Tomasz CEDRO wrote:
> Hello world!
> Are there any plans to implement VirtualBox Extension Pack on FreeBSD?
> That would allow USB 2.0 + 3.0 support and better screen acceleration
> + integration, etc. USB support seems most desirable and important,
> especially for hardware hacking which is quite limited at the moment
> to USB 1.0. With great USB stack that FreeBSD already has it should be
> possible to implement those Extensions for VirtualBox right? :-)

Unfortunately, there is no way to port VirtualBox Extension Pack because
it is NOT open sourced.  In fact, it is governed by a different license.

Jung-uk Kim

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