size of debug symbols

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Fri Feb 22 16:07:11 UTC 2019

Christos Chatzaras writes:

>  After an upgrade from 11.2 to 12.0 I notice that /usr/lib disk
>  usage is a lot more than 11.2.

	You are not alone.
	On a system running:

FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT r344207   amd64

	I can no longer build large programs - e.g. www/webkit*,
devel/llvm* - using "WITH_DEBUG=yes" because it will inevitably
consume 22+ gbytes of disk space.  (I complained about this before,
and had no answer as to what was going on or how to fix it.)  This did
not happen under 11.*.   


			Robert Huff

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