"Smartness-free" web browser?

Boyan Penkov boyan.penkov at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 16:47:37 UTC 2019

What about https://surf.suckless.org/ ?


On 2/15/19 10:18 AM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> I am looking for "Smartness-free" web browser. In the past I was using 
> midori, but today I was bitten in my backside by "smartness" 
> introduced into latest midori.
> Why. I have a bunch of machines with older 3ware RAIDs. The last I 
> loved for having web interface. To the contrary to command line, 
> especially in case of hardware RAID management, it is much more 
> difficult to screw up when using GUI.
> In the past, when firefox went all the way about SSL certificates, 
> midori was my life preserver. I do access these RAID web interfaces 
> locally, and I do know what's going on inside these machines... I can 
> disable SSL in 3ware RAID daemon (this time it just doesn't accept 
> certificates 3ware daemon presents - to way for me to affect that that 
> I can find) but... I just don't like some piece of software thinking 
> it is smarter than I am when I use it. Dough.
> Any suggestions, anybody?
> Thanks in advance.
> Valeri

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