Moving root on ZFS on GELI so GELI is no longer used

Scott Bennett bennett at
Fri Dec 6 05:31:18 UTC 2019

     On Thu, 5 Dec 2019 08:21:30 +0100 (CET) Trond Endrest?l
<trond.endrestol at> wrote:

>On Wed, 4 Dec 2019 22:31-0000, Kralj Karlo wrote:

     I realized too late in my editing of your message that you, Trond,
had omitted the OP's email address. :-(
>> I selected the installer option for putting root on ZFS on GELI.
>> I want to switch the system so that GELI is not used. (That is,
>> the zpool should be on the disk directly.)
>> I figure I will replicate the zpool (currently a mirror of two GELI
>> devices) to the new disk and also do something so that the boot stuff

     Well, the existing mirror certainly makes this very simple and easy.
See further below.

>> is on the disk and the boot stuff does not point to the GELI disk.
>> The part I don't know how to do is changing the boot stuff.
>> Are there directions on how to do this? If there is nothing specific,
>> could you suggest which manual pages I should read?
>man zfs, searching for zfs snapshot, zfs send, and zfs receive.
>My take usually is:
>1. Make sure boot partitions are present and populated on the new disk(s).
>   The same for any swap partitions.
     The rest of Trond's procedure can be ignored.  See further below.

>2. Create a new pool.
>3. Create a recursive snapshot from the top of the existing rootpool, e.g.
>   zfs snap -r rootpool at transfer
>4. Send and receive a replicating stream, e.g.
>   zfs send -RLe rootpool at transfer | zfs recv -Fduv newpool
>   The results of zfs send can be saved as a file and later 
>   transferred using zfs recv, if you prefer this over a pipeline.
>5. Remove the recursive snapshots, e.g.
>   zfs destroy -Rv rootpool at transfer
>   zfs destroy -Rv newpool at transfer
>6. Set the bootfs property, if necessary, e.g.
>   zpool set bootfs=newpool/something newpool
>7. Reboot using newpool.
     Because the boot pool is already a mirror, the above procedure is
a big waste of time and introduces may extra places for errors to be
     The OP neglected to provide any details of his disk configureation,
so I will use my own boot disks as an example that is consistent what he
did write.   The two drives at ada0 and ada1 are partitioned like this:

hellas] 123 % gpart show -l ada0 ada1
=>        40  1953525088  ada0  GPT  (932G)
          40        1024     1  gptboot0  (512K)
        1064         984        - free -  (492K)
        2048   637534208     2  system0  (304G)
   637536256    25163776     4  swap0  (12G)
   662700032        1064        - free -  (532K)
   662701096  1048576000     6  local1  (500G)
  1711277096     4194304     8  dbtor0  (2.0G)
  1715471400   184549376        - free -  (88G)
  1900020776    52428800    13  crashdump  (25G)
  1952449576     1075552        - free -  (525M)

=>        40  1953525088  ada1  GPT  (932G)
          40        1024     1  gptboot1  (512K)
        1064         984        - free -  (492K)
        2048   637534208     2  system1  (304G)
   637536256    25163776     4  swap1  (12G)
   662700032        1064        - free -  (532K)
   662701096  1048576000     6  local0  (500G)
  1711277096     4194304     8  dbtor1  (2.0G)
  1715471400   184549376        - free -  (88G)
  1900020776    52428800    13  varcrash  (25G)
  1952449576     1075552        - free -  (525M)

In this case the only partitions that need concern us are ada{0,1}p{1,2,4}.
adap{0,1} contain identical copies of the boot looader code.  ada{0,1}p2 are
geli-encrypted and contain the boot pool as follows.  ada{0,1}p4 are geli-
encrypted swapping/paging areas with throwaway keys.

hellas] 124 % zpool status system
  pool: system
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0 days 00:57:51 with 0 errors on Sat Nov 30 11:44:42 2019

        NAME            STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        system          ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0      ONLINE       0     0     0
            ada0p2.eli  ONLINE       0     0     0  (100% initialized, completed at Sun May  5 07:37:22 2019)
            ada1p2.eli  ONLINE       0     0     0  (100% initialized, completed at Sun May  5 07:52:42 2019)

errors: No known data error

     To do what the OP wants to do is very easy, to wit:

zpool detach system ada1p2.eli
geli stop ada1p2
geli clear -v ada1p2
zpool attach system ada0p2.eli ada1p2
zpool detach system ada0p2.eli
geli stop ada0p2
geli clear -v ada0p2
zpool attach system ada1p2 ada0p2

     The only issue left over at this point is whether the single sector of
each part of the mirror that was freed up by eliminating the geli labels is
to be added to the pool's space.  If that is considered important and worth
doing, then the following sequence should be done.

zpool offline -t system ada0p2
zpool online -e system ada0p2
zpool offline -t system ada1p2
zpool online -e system ada1p2

However, because each geli label supposedly occupies only one sector of either
512 bytes or 4096 bytes, depending upon the physical characteristics of the
devices, these last four commands may not be worth bothering with.
     This procedure requires no snapshots, no sends, and no receives.  It also
seems very likely to require less time to accomplish.  It basically copies the
pool from one device to the other, then copies it back, and optionally expands
the pool by one sector of disk space.  Meanwhile, the pool is usable, though
slowly, during the entire procedure, and no reboot is necessary.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at   *xor*   bennett at  *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
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*    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790         *

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