zfstools zfs-auto-snapshot issue

David Christensen dpchrist at holgerdanske.com
Thu Aug 1 03:22:14 UTC 2019


I have a FreeBSD SOHO server:

2019-07-31 19:09:20 toor at soho ~
# freebsd-version ; uname -a
FreeBSD soho.tracy.holgerdanske.com 11.2-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 
11.2-RELEASE-p11 #0: Tue Jul  2 21:24:25 UTC 2019 
root at amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64

It has ZFS pools and filesystems:

2019-07-31 20:14:56 toor at soho /var/log
# zfs list | head
NAME                                             USED  AVAIL  REFER 
bootpool                                         333M   499M   333M 
soho_zroot                                      2.71G  8.43G    88K 
soho_zroot/ROOT                                 1.47G  8.43G   132K  none
soho_zroot/ROOT/default                         1.47G  8.43G  1.47G  /
soho_zroot/tmp                                   156K  8.43G   156K  /tmp
soho_zroot/usr                                  1.23G  8.43G   132K  /usr
soho_zroot/usr/home                              464K  8.43G   464K 
soho_zroot/usr/ports                            1.23G  8.43G  1.23G 
soho_zroot/usr/src                               132K  8.43G   132K 

I have installed:

2019-07-31 19:17:21 toor at soho ~
# pkg query -x '%n %v' zfs
zfstools 0.3.6_1

I have set the com.sun:auto-snapshot property on all pools and filesystems:

2019-07-31 20:14:59 toor at soho /var/log
# zfs get -t filesystem com.sun:auto-snapshot | head
NAME                                            PROPERTY 
VALUE                  SOURCE
bootpool                                        com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   local
soho_zroot                                      com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   local
soho_zroot/ROOT                                 com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/ROOT/default                         com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/tmp                                  com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/usr                                  com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/usr/home                             com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/usr/ports                            com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot
soho_zroot/usr/src                              com.sun:auto-snapshot 
TRUE                   inherited from soho_zroot

If I run zfs-auto-snapshot manually:

2019-07-31 19:22:09 toor at soho ~
# zfs-auto-snapshot -d -v frequent 20
zfs list -H -t filesystem,volume -o 
-s name
zfs list -r -H -t snapshot -o name,used -S name

I do not see any snapshots:

2019-07-31 19:23:06 toor at soho ~
# ls -a /bootpool/.zfs/snapshot/
.	..

2019-07-31 19:23:35 toor at soho ~
# ls -a /soho_zroot/.zfs/snapshot/
.	..

If I create a snapshot manually:

2019-07-31 19:23:40 toor at soho ~
# zfs snapshot -r bootpool at manual-snapshot-20190731-1924

It works:

2019-07-31 19:28:08 toor at soho ~
# ls -la /bootpool/.zfs/snapshot/
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x+ 3 root  wheel  3 Jul 31 19:27 .
dr-xr-xr-x+ 3 root  wheel  3 May 23 22:21 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel  3 May 23 22:21 manual-snapshot-20190731-1924

I do not see any relevant messages under /var/log.

I am unable to find any recent bug reports for zfstools:


Zero bugs found.

Any ideas?


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