Hi, victim.

i Peter at inboxpayssurveys.com
Thu Oct 25 19:13:22 UTC 2018

hello, my victim.

I write you since I put a virus on the web site with porn which you have viewed.
My trojan captured all your private information and switched on your web camera which captured the process of your onanism. Just after that the trojan saved your contact list.
I will delete the compromising video records and information if you pay me 350 USD in bitcoin.

This is address for payment : 1JMSH4oDSuGteB46G7Yg1FLQXeqfVPJyyU

I give you 30h after you view my message for making the payment.
As soon as you open the message I'll see it right away.
It is not necessary to tell me that you have paid to me. This address is connected to you, my system will delete everything automatically after transfer confirmation.
If you need 48h just Open the calculator on your desktop and press +++
If you don't pay, I'll send dirt to all your contacts.     
Let me remind you-I see what you're doing!
You can visit the police office but nobody can't help you.
If you try to deceive me , I'll know it immediately!
I don't live in your country. So anyone can't find my location even for 9 months.
bye. Don't forget about the disgrace and to ignore, Your life can be ruined.


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