Different temperature reports

thor thor at irk.ru
Sun Nov 4 17:36:11 UTC 2018

Because these temperatures are measured in different places - in hdd 
(most possibly on it's controller board but could be inside a mechanics) 
and somewhere near the processor on the motherboard. Also, the sensors 
are not so precise.

On 11/05/18 01:24, Carmel NY wrote:
> Why would sysctl and smartctl report different temperatures? Smartctl is
> reporting 30C and sysctl is showing 40.1C.
> #! /usr/bin/env bash
> TP=$(/usr/local/sbin/smartctl -a /dev/ada0 | grep Temp | awk -F " " '{printf "%d",$10}')
> printf "%s\n\n" "${TP}"
> TP2=$(/sbin/sysctl -a | grep -i hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature | awk '{print substr($2,0,5)}')
> printf "%s\n\n" "${TP2}"
> exit
> Both temperatures are in Celsius.

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