Software-defined Radio on FreeBSD

Bruce Ferrell bferrell at
Sun Mar 11 04:33:07 UTC 2018

On 03/10/2018 06:50 PM, Ivan "Rambius" Ivanov wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to experiment with software-defined radio on FreeBSD. I
> installed gnuradio and my understanding is that I need some minimal
> hardware, presumably USB dongles. After some search I found several
> vendors - RTL-SDR. HackRF, AirSpy, etc. I found
> and it says RTL-SDR is support by FreeBSD.
> My father who is a radio engineer asked me to find him such a
> hardware. He is a Linux user and my impression is that those devices
> are supported on Linux. I found the topic interesting enough to buy
> one for me and as a FreeBSD user I want to use it on FreeBSD.
> What other recommendations can you give me about such chips? What to
> buy, where to buy? I am looking for cheap ones - something up around
> $100. Will I need any drivers for FreeBSD?
> Regards
> rambius
May I suggest you have a look here:

There are a number of tutorials and comparisons of devices.

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