Convert .flac and .ape to mp3

Polytropon freebsd at
Sat Jan 6 16:09:19 UTC 2018

On Sat, 6 Jan 2018 22:24:44 +0700, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > > 
> > > What do you convert ape and flac audio files to mp3 with?
> > > 
> > > multimedia/ffmpeg does not seem to support encoding to mp3 (only
> > > decoding), what else could I try?
> > 
> > I prefer audio/sox but, like FFMPeG, you need to compile in mp3 encoding
> > support from port.  Sox is the audio equivalent of FFMPeG, ie very, very
> > powerful in it's own are of expertise which can be as simple or as complex
> > to use as you want it to be, eg sox file.flac file.mp3
> It would be interesting to find something which splits large flac/ape
> files before converting to mp3, and parses .cue files for track names
> and inserts them as ID tags into mp3 files.
> I hear sysutils/bchunk can split ape files into separate tracks but
> how do I feed track names to ffmpeg/sox/whatever to be included as mp3
> ID tags?

There is a dedicated tool for this which you can apply to
the resulting MP3 files: install the id3tool package and
use the program "id3tool":

id3tool [<options>] <filename>
  -t, --set-title=WORD          Sets the title to WORD
  -a, --set-album=WORD          Sets the album to WORD
  -r, --set-artist=WORD         Sets the artist to WORD
  -y, --set-year=YEAR           Sets the year to YEAR [4 digits]
  -n, --set-note=WORD           Sets the note to WORD
  -g, --set-genre=INT           Sets the genre code to INT
  -G, --set-genre-word=WORD     Sets the genre to WORD
  -c, --set-track=INT           Sets the track number to INT
  -l, --genre-list              Shows the Genre's and their codes
  -v, --version                 Displays the version
  -h, --help                    Displays this message

With this tool (and the artist / album / track / title information
present, you can get "the best of both worlds", i. e., a directory
and filesystem structure as well as ID3 tags for the individual MP3
files. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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