HOWTO safely unmount remove USB zfs sdcard

Yuri Pankov yuripv at
Mon Dec 10 00:16:25 UTC 2018

Russell L. Carter wrote:
> Greetings,
> I can easily create a ZFS filesystem on a USB sdcard,
> but I have not yet found the recipe for safely unmounting
> it and then mounting it on another 12.0 FreeBSD system.

You mean you have created a ZFS pool on that sdcard?

> Ideally, the answer is just a google search away, but
> alas, that has not turned out to be the case.  Yeah,
> I suck at google, evidently.
> Can anybody help?

Should be the same as for any ZFS pool -- `zpool export <pool>`; on
another system -- `zfs import <pool>`.  You could possibly need '-f'
flag for import if you forgot to export the pool first.

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