Jails - IPv4 and IPv6

Philipp Vlassakakis freebsd-en at lists.vlassakakis.de
Tue Aug 7 17:24:05 UTC 2018

> Am 06.08.2018 um 20:21 schrieb Shamim Shahriar <shamim.shahriar at gmail.com>:

> Hi Philipp
> I'm using both IPv4 and IPv6 in my vNet jails. The IPv4 gets configured via the jail.conf, while v6 is via rc.conf from inside the jail, two lines to define v6 on epair and the gw as well. If you need, u can send you the configurations later.
> They are quite stable, the pf on the hosts controls the access, works as expected.
> Regards

I would like to configure the IP addresses outside the jails, because customers may access these jails and I don't want customers to be able to simply change the IP addresses which might lead to the Jail being unreachable from the „outside“.

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