Matthew Seaman and FreeBSD Core Team, please help improve Privacy Innovation by filling in the survey

Ben Hup b.m.hup at
Wed Oct 4 09:48:08 UTC 2017

	Dear Matthew Seaman and FreeBSD Core Team,	 
	We are contacting you because you are working (or have worked) on FreeBSD.
	You are selected because you are involved in the development and/or deployment of the []Privacy-Enhancing Technology (PET) mentioned above.
	We would greatly appreciate it if you could fill in the questionnaire to benefit privacy innovation.	The result of the research is to better understanding the adoption and diffusion of Privacy-enhancing Technologies and what factors drive or impede such diffusion and adoption.	If you wish, you may receive a copy of the final report by following the instructions at the end of the questionnaire.
	The research is done via Delft University of Technology. Information about the research and researchers can be found at []
	Filling in the the questionnaire takes approximately 10-20 minutes.
	 	The link below gives you access to the questionnaire:		[]			Your response is very valuable to PET innovation research and in extension society at large. We hope you will benefit from the research as well.	 
	Kind regards,
	Ben Hup
	Hadi Asghari
	Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

			Your response is anonymous. The questionnaire is hosted on a dedicated Delft University of Technology server. Your response is solely used for research purposes.
			If you have any questions about the research or questionnaire, please contact b.m.hup at


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