Reconstruct a bash_history file

Polytropon freebsd at
Thu Nov 2 20:46:45 UTC 2017

On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 15:13:50 -0400, James B. Byrne via freebsd-questions wrote:
> I wish to reconstruct a bash_history file for a user who has
> HISTTIMEFORMAT=%F %T:.  I have a history log file having the following
> format:
> . . .
>  2014-06-19 16:09:25: whois
>  2014-06-20 08:24:00: man xpdf
>  2014-06-23 08:22:16: su -l
>  2014-06-24 09:33:27: cd Desktop
>  2014-06-25 09:22:25: su -l
>  2014-06-26 12:15:28: su -l
>  2014-06-27 08:48:40: su -l
>  2014-06-30 08:18:04:
>  2014-07-02 15:40:57: history | grep enscript
>  2014-07-03 08:38:55: ll
>  2014-07-04 09:29:04: su -l
>  2014-07-07 09:33:34: ssh -Y xnet241
>  2014-07-08 08:29:59: su -l
>  2014-07-09 06:53:46: su -l
>  2014-07-10 11:20:20: whois
>  2014-07-11 10:02:24: su -l
>  2014-07-14 09:58:27: su -l
>  2014-07-15 08:46:38: su -l
>  2014-07-16 10:31:52: sshtn xnet241
>  2014-07-17 09:50:23: history | grep PORT
> . . .
> Is there a way to recreate a valid bash_history file from this data
> and preserve the time stamps?


> If so then how?

You need the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS timestamp to the Epoch format,
prefix it with a #, and put the command on a new line.

Maybe like this, if you don't mind a multiple-line one-liner
of regular shell script:

	$ cat history.txt | while read LINE; do DATETIME=`echo $LINE | cut -d ':' -f 1-3`; TIMESTAMP=`date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "${DATETIME}" "+#%s"`; COMMAND=`echo $LINE | cut -d ':' -f 4-`; echo "${TIMESTAMP}"; echo "${COMMAND}" | sed "s/^ //"; done > bash_history.txt

This version is easier to read:

	cat history.txt | while read LINE; do
		DATETIME=`echo $LINE | cut -d ':' -f 1-3`
		TIMESTAMP=`date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "${DATETIME}" "+#%s"`
		COMMAND=`echo $LINE | cut -d ':' -f 4-`
		echo "${TIMESTAMP}"
		echo "${COMMAND}" | sed "s/^ //"
	done > bash_history.txt

It features the "useless use of cat" line the one-liner. ;-)

For your example input text, I get the following result:

man xpdf
su -l
cd Desktop
su -l
su -l
su -l

history | grep enscript
su -l
ssh -Y xnet241
su -l
su -l
su -l
su -l
su -l
sshtn xnet241
history | grep PORT

Does this look correct?

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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