CFLAGS is recursive in devel/yasm

Serpent7776 serpent7776 at
Thu Jun 22 20:49:25 UTC 2017


I getting an error recently when trying to call poudriere options on devel.yasm:

[00:00:00] ====>> Appending to
make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/ports10amd64-workstation-make.conf
Variable CFLAGS is recursive.

make: stopped in /usr/local/poudriere/ports/local/devel/yasm
@}Variable CFLAGS is recursive.

make: stopped in /usr/local/poudriere/ports/local/devel/yasm

This seems to be related to poudriere, because I can use `make config` on
devel/yasm without errors.
Anyone has any idea what might cause this issue?

 * Serpent7776

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