FreeBSD-11, Mate, Terminal, Gvim

James B. Byrne byrnejb at
Tue Jul 25 19:13:39 UTC 2017

On Tue, July 25, 2017 15:06, Polytropon wrote:

> 2. Use "su -m" instead, which will preserve the environment of
>    your user, and $DISPLAY will be kept set.

Thank you.  The second option works perfectly well for my purposes.

I had been using sudo su -l for decades on CentOS.  It did not occur
to me that the behaviour might be different on FreeBSD.  Well, it did
actually, I just could not see how that would affect this.

Thanks again.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at
Harte & Lyne Limited
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