How can I submit a port for general use ?

Manish Jain bourne.identity at
Sun Jul 23 15:31:46 UTC 2017


I have developed a Bourne script that compares 2 directories. In basic 
(gist) mode, it just lists out the differences between the 2 
directories. There are 2 major extensions : stats (in which 
missing/unsame files/directories are statistically detailed); and 
missing (in which missing files/directories can be copied/deleted/ignored).

The script works on FreeBSD, Linux and Cygwin (which I consider to be 
open source too).

I would like to submit this script as a FreeBSD port for others to use, 
but have no idea of the process to follow. Could somebody be kind enough 
to fill me on the process to submit a port ?

Manish Jain

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