Can I use FreeBSD as a desktop system?

fml tetrosalame at
Wed Jul 19 15:19:49 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:32:43PM -0300, SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 wrote:
> Can I use FreeBSD as a desktop system?

You know best.

For my use case, I can say FreeBSD works great.

How about my use case? Well, I'm a lawyer and use it for text
processing, web browsing and to connect to some reserved networks (read:
justice). Desktops used by lawyers must (or, should...) comply to data
protection regulations (in my case, EU Regulation) and FreeBSD
implements great technologies I deploy:

- data encryption (geli; if you're unfortunate enough, gbde);
- different user roles (unix users and jails);
- different data access profiles (mac_mls; mac_biba deployment in 
progress...have still to please Xorg);
- backups (the usual suspects; since I need encrypted off-site backups
I'm investigating Tarsnap, avaiable as package);
- access logging and logging of administrators' actions (syslog, sudo
and the right Michael W. Lucas book).

So, here's how FreeBSD serves me as a desktop OS and I'm happy with 

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