sshd logging

Paul Schmehl pschmehl_lists at
Mon Jul 17 23:35:23 UTC 2017

--On July 17, 2017 at 6:38:00 AM -0400 Daniel Feenberg <feenberg at> 

> On Mon, 17 Jul 2017, Matthias Apitz wrote:
>> El día domingo, julio 16, 2017 a las 10:34:42p. m. -0500, Paul Schmehl
>> escribió:
>>> Is there a way to get sshd to only log successful logins?
>> What about using ipf(8)?
> denyhosts or fail2ban would be easier. You'd still get a few lines in the
> logs, but only a few.

Thanks, Dan. I'll take a look.

I've never understood why logging routinely records every failed 
interaction. I suppose it's because summarizing it would take more 
processing plus some sort of database. Seriously though, why should I care 
about failed logins? It's the successful ones that I need to know about.

Paul Schmehl, Retired
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very
intelligent person could believe in them." George Orwell

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