bhyve centos7

Eric Melville emelville at
Tue Jan 31 19:53:26 UTC 2017

> I installed directly CentOS-7.1 (CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503-01.iso).
> I tried the newest version with CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1611.iso and
> it really failed to load saying "not a correct XFS inode". I rechecked
> and CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1503-01.iso works fine.

Thanks, this is exactly what I needed. It looked like 1611 was the only Centos7 available for download. After finally finding a 1503 copy I was able to install and update to 1611.

> vm-bhyve is just shell scripts for bhyve, it does not add any
> functionality. However it make life more comfortable. ;-)

Sure, but the right combination of operations will make it work and that combination may have been more apparent via vm-bhyve. I still think that installing 1611 to ext4 would avoid the XFS problem, bewildered that Centos does not offer any partitioning options via command line install.

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