Auto-dropping serial console connection: foo takeover

O. Hartmann ohartmann at
Tue Jan 17 08:52:52 UTC 2017

Hello list.

Havin a FreeBSD based router connected to a service PC via serial console/null modem
cabling, I realised that using "tip ucom1fast" gives me access to the console even if I
simply close the terminal window (X11/xterm) and reconnect again on the very same box.

I detail: loggin in into the router (FreeBSD 12-CURRENT) via "tip ucom1fast" gives a
console, on which I can  log in as root. Doing so, working on the remote box and then
closing the X11 terminal, wait a few minutes, say, 15 minutes, opening another X terminal
and performing "tip ucom1fast" again, provides me with the same still logged in session
as before! I waited for ~ 60 - 70 minutes and had success the very same way - I gained
root access to the console if root was logged in before the way described. I consider
this very dangerous.

I tried to enbale auto logout on csh, which works, I also enabled auto logout on ssh
sessions, which works well, too. But the FreeBSD "sh" seems to be acient in a way and
doesn't provide any kind of auto logout or auto termination of the session neither did I
have success with /etc/login.conf and setting ":idletime=10m:".

The big question is: how can I auto logout a user, even on the console?

Please CC me, I'm not a subscriber of the list.

Thanks in advance,


O. Hartmann

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