Implementing multi-layer keyboard in FreeBSD syscons, and control keys repeat rate

Jack Rosenthal jack at
Mon Dec 4 00:39:30 UTC 2017

Hey Hackers,

I'm trying to implement a multi-layer keyboard layout for the FreeBSD
console (sort of like the Neo layout, there's more things that change
the keys than just shift). If you're curious, the keyboard spec is here:

Here's what I've got so far:

Essentially, from what I can tell, FreeBSD only supports Shift, Ctrl,
and Alt (and combinations there of) for modifiers. So I've currently got
symbols on the 'Alt' layer, cursor controls and numpad on 'Ctrl', and
the real control keys on 'Ctrl+Shift'.

Besides having to use 'Ctrl+Shift' to use the real control keys, the
arrows etc. on the 'Ctrl' layer seem not to repeat when held down.

So, a couple of questions:

1. Any hacks to get that key repeat working? Honestly the most
   inconvenient part...
2. Any way to make the Ctrl key send Ctrl+Shift? I was thinking that I
   could make a function key for that, but cannot find any way to do
   that from the manual (kbdcontrol).



Jack Rosenthal

A big ball of data and data systems that are stuck together with a
hot gluegun and bound by duct tape and baling wire.
 -- Ginny Lee (describing the old identity managment system at Mines)

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