Cannot mount ext2fs in read-write mode

Dutch Ingraham stoa at
Fri Dec 1 22:49:11 UTC 2017

Hi everybody:

I cannot seem to mount a thumbdrive formatted to ext2fs in read-write mode on
my FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p4 #0 system. The error is: 

/usr/home/dutch $ sudo mount -t ext2fs /dev/da0s1 /media/usb
mount: /dev/da0s1: Operation not permitted

It seems some years ago there was an inode limit of 128 on mounting ext2fs in
read-write mode; see this[1] thread for example.  There seems to have been a
patch that corrected this situation and allowed inodes of 256 (my case).

However, the advice in that thread is 9 years old.  The current manpage for
ext2fs(5) only states one requirement (build-in or load the ext2fs kernel
module) and indicates that the restriction on read-write mode only aplies to
the ext4 filesystem, and I am attempting to mount the ext2 filesystem.

A current forum post[2] seems to indicate there is still an issue (regardless
of the 2016 ext2fs manpage) mounting an ext2 filesystem read-write (although
it is somewhat ambiguous whether the OP was trying to mount an ext2 or ext4

Can someone please advise (1) if FreeBSD provides for mounting an ext2
filesystem in read-write mode, and if so, (2) what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.

PS - I can mount read-only, but that doesn't help me much.


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