NEVERMIND! Re: Need help: FAIL: Booting 10.3-RELEASE (64) on a VM

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Tue Sep 13 20:56:09 UTC 2016

In message <38923.1473536960 at>, I wrote:

>   ACPI BIOS Error (bug): A valid RSDP was not found (20150515/tbxroot-258)
>   panic: running without device atpic requires a local APIC

So, it turns out that there was an obscure little toggle switch in the
VM management console that allows users to disable ACPI in the VM,
and it somehow got inappropriately set to OFF.

(I'm not the least bit sure why such a switch even exits in the VM management
interface.  Why anyone would ever want to intentionally disable ACPI is,
I confess, beyond me.)

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