How do I get rid of "Root mount waiting for: GRAID-NVIDIA" messages during FreeBSD 11.0 boot sequence?

John W. Kitz John.Kitz at
Sun Nov 27 15:01:03 UTC 2016

> Because I wanted to do some quick tests with a bit of software I 
> installed FreeBSD 11.0 on a computer that is not being used. The 
> installation went fine, but the subsequent start-ups are all delayed 
> for about 20 - 30 seconds at some point during the boot sequence while 
> the following message is repeatedly displayed: "Root mount waiting for:
> Since the computer contains only one hard disk and is not configured 
> for RAID, I suspect that one disk came from other hardware which did 
> use RAID and that affects the way in which the disk works in the 
> system in which it is currently installed.
> Any suggestions how to get rid of these messages and the delay?
> Please cc any replies to me since I'm not normally subscribed to this 
> mailing list.
> Regards, Jk.
Man gpart, gpart delete.

JKi: With your suggestion and the content of
I fixed it.

Thanks, Jk.

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