Building world vs freebsd-update: merging files

CyberLeo Kitsana cyberleo at
Tue Nov 15 22:23:20 UTC 2016

On 11/15/2016 12:03 PM, Chris Stankevitz wrote:
> Hi,
> When using mergemaster during buildworld/installworld, I am asked to
> merge many files.
> When using freebsd-update, I am never asked to merge any files.
> Why the discrepancy?

What flags do you pass to mergemaster while installing world?

I usually use mergemaster -iFU - the caveat being that this requires an
mtree database to be maintained for it to detect changes to files, and
this database is only built and maintained when you use the -U flag.

Presumably, freebsd-update does similar automatically, and that's why it
never asks. Or maybe it just overwrites your local changes? I've only
ever used installworld, and freebsd-update(8) doesn't mention anything
about locally modified files.

Fuzzy love,
Technical Administrator
CyberLeo.Net Webhosting
<CyberLeo at CyberLeo.Net>

Furry Peace! -

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