Oddball desktop behavior

William A. Mahaffey III wam at hiwaay.net
Sun May 29 20:50:20 UTC 2016

I logged out Friday & left for the long weekend. I had been logged in 
for weeks, maybe months, xfce-4.12_1, FreeBSD 9.3R-p36, pkgs upgraded 
last week (w/o logging out & back in, wasn't required). I logged back in 
this A.M. & have slightly wacky desktop behavior. All JPEG's, PNG's, 
etc. on my desktop have the same, apparently generic thumbnail, rather 
than the one specific to the individual file. I also have a process 
running amok:

[wam at kabini1, ~, 3:09:50pm] 307 % ps -alf
1110 38532 53584   0  30  0  14520  3312 pause  I    v0   0:00.05 -tcsh 
1110 38537 38532   0  52  0  14548  2176 wait   I+   v0   0:00.01 
/bin/sh /usr/local/bin/startx
1110 38553 38537   0  26  0  23740  2624 wait   I+   v0   0:00.00 xinit 
/home/wam/.xinitrc -- /usr/local/bin/X :0 -auth /home/wam/.serverauth.38537
    0 38554 38553   0  20  0 307032 84028 uwait  I    v0   1:05.19 
/usr/local/bin/X :0 -auth /home/wam/.serverauth.38537 (Xorg)
1110 38559 38553   0  52  0  14548  2172 wait   I    v0   0:00.01 
/bin/sh /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc
1110 38565 38559   0  20  0 194552 18068 select I    v0   0:01.35 
1110 38568     1   0  52  0  27972  2936 select I    v0   0:00.00 
/usr/local/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session xfce4-session
1110 38577 38565   0  20  0 182620 19596 select S    v0   0:03.20 xfwm4 
--display :0.0 --sm-client-id 26f798dfa-3f9e-11e4-ba85-d0509913e385
1110 38580 38565   0  52  0 231464 22960 kqread I    v0   0:11.16 
xfce4-panel --display :0.0 --sm-client-id 
1110 38583 38565   0  20  0 248552 33284 kqread I    v0   0:04.69 
xfdesktop --display :0.0 --sm-client-id 
1110 38585 38565   0  41  0 204188 25772 select I    v0   0:07.03 
xfce4-terminal --geometry=184x51 --display :0.0 
--role=xfce4-terminal-1419626305-1398613666 --show-
1110 38586 38565   0  20  0  79152 10604 select I    v0   0:00.22 xterm 
-xtsessionID 240b804e5-2e30-11e5-b426-d0509913e385 -sl 5000 -maximized
1110 38590 38565   0  20  0  79152 10524 select I    v0   0:00.21 xterm 
-xtsessionID 22262d0e2-798d-11e5-95bb-d0509913e385 -rv
1110 38591 38565   0  20  0  79152 10648 select I    v0   0:00.23 xterm 
-xtsessionID 2d50e5c9c-f7f0-11e4-a83d-d0509913e385 -sl 5000 -maximized
1110 38593 38565   0  20  0  79152 10544 select I    v0   0:00.23 xterm 
-xtsessionID 29e04983f-80a3-11e5-95bb-d0509913e385 -sl 5000 -maximized -rv
1110 38594 38580   0  20  0 177556 15772 select I    v0   0:00.13 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/libsystray.so 6 12582944
1110 38596 38580   0  20  0 164468 16876 select S    v0   0:03.10 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/liborageclock.so 22 12582
1110 38600 38565   0  20  0  58652  4496 select S    v0   0:00.77 
xscreensaver -no-splash
1110 38611 38565   0  48  0 224152 20128 kqread I    v0   0:00.24 
1110 38621 38565   0  39 19 353504 60044 uwait  IN   v0  55:29.55 
1110 38632 38565   0  39 19 140272 16600 kqread IN   v0   0:00.28 
1110 38641 38580   0  20  0 173044 16120 select S    v0   0:24.20 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/libcpugraph.so 16 1258295
1110 38642 38565   0  39 19 191356 30376 kqread IN   v0   0:09.12 
1110 38643 38580   0  20  0 173028 16048 select S    v0   0:02.53 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/libbsdcpufreq.so 5 125829
1110 38647 38580   0  20  0 179448 18000 select I    v0   0:00.16 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/libactions.so 19 12582958
1110 38648 38565   0  52 19 133264 14908 kqread IN   v0   0:00.14 
1110 38649 38580   0  20  0 164468 17416 select S    v0   0:03.16 
/usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/liborageclock.so 18 12582
1110 38677     1   0  20  0  41352  5844 select S    v0   0:02.26 
1110 38683     1   0  20  0  41352  5276 select S    v0   0:01.56 
1110 38690     1   0  20  0  41352  4784 select S    v0   0:02.07 
1110 38696     1   0  20  0  37256  4404 select S    v0   0:02.17 
1110 38699     1   0  20  0  37256  4252 select S    v0   0:02.43 
1110 38711     1   0  20  0  37256  4252 select S    v0   0:02.46 
1110 38714     1   0  20  0  37256  4252 select S    v0   0:02.37 

PID 38621 (/usr/local/libexec/tracker-extract), child of 38565 
(xfce4-session). I have no clue what the runaway process does, but I 
vaguely suspect that it is related to the oddball desktop thumbnails. 
This isn't (yet) a showstopper, but is irritating. Can I just kill it ? 
Will it be respawned if needed ? My desktop arrangements are rather 
elaborate (*many* xterms & rxvt's open), since I use this box to access 
all others on my LAN, which is why I don't logout & back in very often 
:-/. Any clues appreciated, any more info needed, just ask. TIA & have a 
nice rest-of-the-weekend.


	William A. Mahaffey III


	"The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
	 ever devised by man."
                            -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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