Firefox still without sound

Christian Baer christian.baer at
Wed May 25 14:12:30 UTC 2016

On Wed, 25 May 2016 07:51:26 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:

> It's working here on 10-stable.  I have always enabled the ALSA
> option and disabled PULSEAUDIO, which might have something to do with
> it.

Using FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 amd64 here.

However, I am not currently tracking the STABLE branch, nor did I
install Firebox (or anything else for that matter) via the ports. I
guess I got lazy. :-) Compiling things like Firefox takes forever (even
on a relatively fast machine) and installs a truckload of libs that are
only required at compile time (und thus can be removed after that).

Is the choice between ALSA and PULSE one that can be made at runtime (I
have not found it yet) or is it one that must be made before compiling?


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