Why is FreeBSD+GNOME not working on my Pentium laptop ?

Sérgio de Almeida Lenzi nervoso at k1.com.br
Tue May 3 03:20:33 UTC 2016

I have a full working gnome2 clone mate 12.2 for freebsd 10.3 running 
in i386
the mate have full libreoffice, and about 600 packages
you can have an idea at http://www.k1.com.br/screenshots

you can install everything with only one command 
pkg install -y mate
pkg install -y libreoffice

all you have to do is create a file named dist32.conf
in the /etc/pkg directory, remove the FreeBSD.conf
and install mate
WARNING... be shure you have NO PACKAGES installed
in the machine..   
to delete all packages use: pkg delete -fay
it will not remove your home directory nor the operating system

==================the dist32.conf ================
DIST32: {
  url: http://dist32.k1.com.br/${ABI},
  enabled: yes
from time to time, use the command pkg upgrade -y to keep your system
up to date
if the upgrade remove some packages (due to incompatibilities).  
a pkg install -y mate 
would reinstall it

Hope I could help##SELECTION_END##

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